Performa Acetochlor 840

For the selective pre-emergence control of annual grasses and many broadleaf weeds in grain and silage maize.

Performa Atrazine 500

A selective herbicide for weed control in maize and lucerne.

Performa Atrazine Dry 900

A selective herbicide for weed control in sweetcorn, maize, linseed and established lucerne.

Performa Beta III

For the control of broadleaf weeds in fodder beet, red beet and sugar beet.

Performa Dicamba 480

A selective herbicide for control of certain hard to kill broadleaf weeds in conservation tillage programs and in cereals, maize, some forage brassicas, waste areas and spot treatment in pastures.

Performa Ethofumesate 500

For the control of barley grass in pasture and weed control in red beet, fodder beet, sugar beet and ryegrass turf.

Performa Flumetsulam 800

A selective herbicide for control of certain broadleaf weeds in chicory, clover, lucerne, maize and pasture.

Performa MCPA 750

Controls specific broadleaf weeds in established pastures, cereals, grass seed crops, and amenity turf areas.

Performa MCPB + Bentazone

Selective post-emergence herbicide for use in new and established pastures, peas, clover and cereals.

Performa MCPB MCPA

For the control of broadleaf weeds in pasture, grass & white clover seeds crops, peas and cereals.

Performa Mesotrione 480

A selective herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds in grain and silage maize

Performa Metamitron 700

For pre and post emergence use for the control of certain weeds in red beet, fodder beet, sugar beet and mangolds.

Performa Metsulfuron 600

For the control of brushweeds in pasture, forestry and non-cropland situations.

Performa Paraquat 250

For weed control in clover seed crops, drains, lucerne, waterways and the control of barley grass.

Performa 2,4-D 720

For the control of broadleaf weeds in cereals and pasture.