For the control of broadleaf weeds in Fodder Beet, Red Beet and Sugar Beet.
For the control of barley grass in Pasture and weed control in Red Beet, Fodder Beet, Sugar Beet and Ryegrass Turf.
Controls specific broadleaf weeds in established pastures, cereals, grass seed crops, and amenity turf areas.
Selective post-emergence herbicide for use in new and established pastures, peas, clover and cereals.
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For pre and post emergence use for the control of certain weeds in Red Beet, Fodder Beet, Sugar Beet and Mangolds.
For the control of brushweeds in Pasture, Forestry and non-cropland situations.
For weed control in Clover Seed Crops, Drains, Lucerne, Waterways and the control of Barley Grass.
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